User reviews

  • Kiki
    An excellent medium with stunning effect. A long time could not get rid of varicose veins, although it spent large sums of money for pharmaceutical agents. Only this drug has helped a once and for all get rid of varicose veins extensions. Grid and redness over. There was a lightness and liveliness.
  • Irma
    This disease is not easy to pick out clothes and shoes, almost every great thing starts to exacerbate the disease. Am glad that you decided to make the purchase. I no longer suffer from the pain and wear what they like. I rate all! Hurry to try it!
  • Yuliana
    My profession means a great strain on the musculoskeletal system. Have a cream. Surprised if after the first application ulcers extensions significantly reduced. Will continue to test, waiting for the next callback. Recommend!
  • Sherly
    Decided on the purchase Varikosette. Enjoy the applications, the cream has a dense texture, pleasant fragrance and cooling effect. Don't use the first time. All of the advice! Great Drug!
  • Dewi
    For a long time suffered from varicose veins, especially from the appearance of the legs. On the advice of well-known the drug ordered. Perfect and gentle. After a few weeks I was able to wear a short dress. Legs attractive and light gear. Thank you to the manufacturer! I can recommend with confidence!
User rating Varikosette