The main symptoms of varicose veins in women.

varicose veins in women

Leg pain and swelling, burning, and swelling of the veins - These signs of varicose veins are familiar to almost one in three women. But few of the women know that such alarms signal the onset of a complex disease that requires a special approach to treatment. In later stages, the situation worsens and dangerous complications such as blood clots, trophic ulcers and bleeding are added to the standard signs. Also, it is not uncommon for the problem to spread from the legs to other parts of the body.

Varicose veins are an insidious disease that is not indifferent to fair sex. The characteristics of hormone levels, a love of uncomfortable shoes, weight gain due to pregnancy, and other hormonal changes leave indelible marks on vascular health. Therefore, it is so important to recognize the signs of varicose veins of the legs in women in time, which will allow to take appropriate measures in a timely manner and prevent dangerous consequences.

Where do varicose veins start?

After spending the whole day on their feet, women don't care about fatigue, bloating, and even pain. This reaction seems quite natural after a long walk in heels or just a hard day at work. And prolonged physical activity, intensified and incorrectly selected training programs for the legs do not have the best effect on the condition of female legs. And even the fat ladies do not pay attention to the increased volume of the legs and the bluish convolutions that appear through the skin.

But it is precisely these signs of varicose veins of the legs in women that are the first alarms.

Where do varicose veins start

When should I start to be anxious? Does the slightest problem associated with an unnatural condition of the legs indicate a serious illness?

This is precisely the insidiousness of venous problems. In the initial stage, it is almost impossible to distinguish the symptoms of varicose veins of the legs in women from other diseases or overwork.

But even if there is no genetic or physiological predisposition to varicose veins, you should consult a doctor if you find:

  1. Increased leg fatigue. Typical loads cause rapid fatigue, while performance is significantly reduced. Even after daily work, there is a desire to rest your legs. The standing position causes discomfort.

  2. Burning sensation, pain or discomfort in the legs, especially in the afternoon and at night. The pain can be migratory in nature or affect different parts of the legs, from the soles to the groin. In this case, there is a desire to massage the painful areas. Sometimes the pain is so severe that pain relievers are necessary.

  3. Heaviness in the legs. It occurs in women often after a long stay in uncomfortable heels or shoes. But even when shoes are removed, the feeling of heaviness does not go away. For relief, the legs are placed in a horizontal or elevated position.

Only at first glance, varicose veins are difficult to recognize in women from such symptoms. In practice, your feelings are worth listening to and it will become clear that unnatural processes are taking place in your legs. And to finally dispel your doubts, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is much easier to detect visual symptoms with early varicose veins in women. It can be:

  • Venous asterisks;

  • bruising suddenly or for no reason;

  • Vascular convolutions that protrude through thin skin.

And most importantly, these symptoms of varicose veins on the legs in women can be determined much more easily than in men. This is due to the fact that young girls have thinner skin. And in addition to the physiological characteristics, almost all the fair sex get rid of the vegetation on their legs. This makes it easy to detect even a fine vascular network, not to mention distended ganglia and veins.

Important! With the initial symptoms of varicose veins in women, treatment is not difficult. So don't miss out on getting rid of a dangerous disease early on.

How does the second stage manifest itself?

If treatment is not started, signs of blood stagnation worsen. Also, the structure of the venous walls is disturbed, vasodilation occurs. At the same time, the valves begin to close.

Second stage of varicose veins

The signs of varicose veins in women in the second stage are manifested:

  • Pronounced constant heaviness and feeling of fullness in the legs, especially in the lower part;

  • enlarged veins, often in the popliteal fossa;

  • the appearance of fatigue and pain without cause;

  • cramps in the calf muscles, bothersome at night;

  • feeling chills.

Discomfort and fatigue do not go away even after changing the position of the legs and adopting a horizontal position. Venous flow at this stage begins to stop, which becomes a natural reason for the formation of nodules.

But even with such symptoms of varicose veins in women, treatment can be selected. Also, behavioral therapy at this stage is no less important than drug treatment and physical therapy.

Progressive stage of varicose veins

In the third subcompensatory stage, all signs of the disease become apparent. They can no longer be confused with the symptoms of other pathologies. This is due to the development of chronic congestion and impaired blood flow.

Progressive stage of varicose veins

In the context of such changes:

  1. The pain becomes chronic. It gets hot, exhausting. A woman simply does not know what to do with such pain, and at night where to find a place for her legs. This leads to trouble sleeping and nervous disorders.

  2. Swelling is not only seen in the morning. But at lunchtime, my legs start to swell. But since a woman at the moment is working more often, she does not have the opportunity to take off her shoes and rest her legs. At the end of the day, the swelling increases even more.

  3. Itching, constant dragging, severe cramps join the unpleasant sensations.

  4. Toenails begin to break, fall apart, and hair falls out.

The external signs of varicose veins on the legs of women are now important. These include the appearance of:

  • Visible varicose nodules;

  • saccular veins;

  • penetrations through the skin of elongated veins with characteristic tortuosity on the thighs, inner surface of the legs, which are easily palpable;

  • brown spots, unnatural pigmentation, as well as seals on the lower leg;

  • dermatitis in the context of thinning of the skin.

With such signs of varicose veins of the legs in women, it is already difficult to choose a treatment. It will be long-term and will not always be successful.

Stage four with complications

The last stage is characterized by the appearance of complications against the background of an increase in all characteristic signs. This is due to the development of severe venous insufficiency and malnutrition of all tissues. The danger is that almost all complications pose a threat to the patient's life.

Formation of trophic ulcers.

Trophic changes in the skin occur due to impaired blood flow. At the site of ulcer appearance, the patient first feels itching and burning.

The formation of trophic ulcers with varicose veins in women.

The color of the skin changes, after which obvious wounds appear. They have serrated edges and a rounded shape. The sore is purple or purple in color. Over time, a scab appears at the wound site. Contents of a purulent, serous, and hemorrhagic nature with fibrin streaks can be released from the ulcer.

Further developments will depend on the treatment strategy. With a properly selected treatment regimen, a scar appears at the ulcer site. If you don't do the treatment, there is a high chance of infection. In this case, gangrene, in which antibacterial treatment is impotent, is not excluded. This is often the amputation of a limb. Even more dangerous is sepsis, which causes the death of the patient.

Traumatic bleeding

In the context of thinning of the vein wall, even a minor injury can cause it to rupture. Such damage results in massive bleeding, requiring urgent surgical intervention.


Blood clots form in the veins due to stagnant and inflammatory processes.

Thrombophlebitis with varicose veins in women

With such a complication, the patient observes specific symptoms in the form of:

  • increased sensitivity of the skin;

  • Pronounced local pain syndrome in the projection of the thrombosis site;

  • hyperemia of the skin with increased temperature of the skin;

  • pain and tightness of the vein on palpation.

With such dangerous symptoms, urgent hospitalization is indicated. The consequences of blood clots can be dire. The resulting blood clot can break loose at any time. It is quite difficult to predict how it will behave in the future. Often times, this problem ends with a fatal heart attack, stroke, or blockage of the pulmonary artery.

Signs of other types of varicose veins in women

The vascular system of any woman is constantly exposed to negative external influences and internal shocks associated with a genetic predisposition and the presence of certain concomitant diseases. All of this is compounded by the hormonal storms that occur in the context of adolescence, pregnancy, eating, menopause. Almost all women are at risk, and one in three becomes a patient of a phlebologist. The expansion of veins in women is not such a rare phenomenon. And the most dangerous thing is that it covers not only the legs, but other parts of the body.

Upper limbs

With the defeat of the upper extremities, the symptoms are similar to those of varicose veins of the legs.

upper limb damage with varicose veins in women

But patients begin to raise the alarm only with increased swelling and pain. Many people experience night cramps, twitching, and numbness of the fingers.

Over time, household chores and basic self-care become more difficult. Complications with deep vein thrombosis are also possible.

In the small pelvis

Varicose changes in the small pelvis are often mistaken for inflammatory diseases of the internal organs or problems with the musculoskeletal system.

After all, women complain of pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacral and lumbar regions.

Sometimes there are problems urinating, pressure on the rectum. The length of the menstrual cycle changes, and the discharge itself becomes scanty. The uterus becomes especially sensitive, causing proximity problems.

In the groin

With varicose veins in the groin in women, symptoms of a visual nature such as a venous pattern, spider veins, nodes are found on the upper thighs, lips, groin, buttocks.

varicose veins in the groin in women

The pain extends not only to the affected area, but also to the genitals, lower back, and also the perineum.

During intercourse, the woman experiences some discomfort. Urination is also disturbed, causing a burning sensation. The skin in the affected area becomes dry and thin. Sometimes excruciating itching occurs.

Hemorrhoidal veins

The defeat of the hemorrhoidal veins leads to the development of hemorrhoids. In addition, the clinical picture of the internal form in the first stage is hardly noticeable. In the future, symptoms will depend on the stage of the disease. This form of varicose veins is especially painful at any stage of development. The lumps fall out of the intestine, are injured, bleed.

It is almost impossible to cope with hemorrhoids without medical assistance. And even the right treatment does not always give the expected results. The only correct way out in such situations is surgery. Additionally, these operations have now become affordable and less traumatic.

As you can see, varicose veins are a multifaceted pathology. And the clinical picture can include both characteristic and specific signs. And the consequences of the disease are completely deplorable. Therefore, it will not hurt to all women to know not only the signs of varicose veins, but also prevention methods in the form of exercise on a stationary bike, gymnastics for tired legs. In fact, for any disease, the best treatment is prevention.