Artur Author of articles

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • Tablets for varicose veins. Do gels, decoctions, tablets and ointments help against varicose veins? So what to do and what to take with varicose veins? Creams and gels for varicose veins. Effective drugs for the prevention of thrombosis in varicose veins.
    8 July 2021
  • Varicose veins of the pelvis, the difference between varicose veins and healthy veins, causes, degrees, symptoms, diagnostic methods, methods of therapy, folk remedies, recommendations for prevention, factors of occurrence, treatment of pelvic veins.
    7 January 2021
  • What are varicose veins and what does it look like? Read more about the disease in the article.
    22 December 2020
  • What can you do with varicose veins, how to do sports with varicose veins.
    14 August 2020
  • Varicose veins: appearance, diagnosis, and treatment.
    15 July 2020